WATCH: Male Republican Congressman Really Resents Having to Pay for Women Having Babies

File This Under Right Wing Conservative Republican White Male Privilege

If GOP Congressman John Shimkus of Illinois ruled the world, taxpayers would only have to pay for things they want and use. For example, if you’re a taxpayer who doesn’t have children, why should you have to pay for teachers and schools? If you don’t have a car, why should you have to pay for roads? If you’re against war, why should your taxes support the military?

And if you’re a man, why should your insurance plan cover women having babies?

During the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s 27 hour marathon markup of the TrumpCare bill to repeal and “replace” ObamaCare, Rep. Shimkus made a very big deal about prenatal care. 

It’s the epitome of selfishness combined with a total lack of understanding – not only of how insurance works – but of how society works. And maybe someone who doesn’t understand how society works shouldn’t get to represent people in Congress.

Democratic Rep. Mike Doyle, in the video below, acknowledges there are issues with ObamaCare, but adds that Republicans have refused to do anything to help make it better. 

“What mandate in the Obamacare bill does he take issue with?” Rep. Doyle asks, referring to a statement by Rep. Shimkus. “I’m curious, what is it we’re mandating?”

“What about men having to purchase prenatal care?” Shimkus responds. “I’m just . . . is that not correct? And should they?”

Congressman Shimkus think because he’s a man his insurance policy shouldn’t cover women’s health care needs. He would like to pick and choose the coverage that is specific only to him. If he rolls the dice on, say, cancer, or broken bones, well, maybe he could save a few bucks.

That’s not how insurance works. Insurance works the same way smart investors work. They diversify. Groups of people are stronger together, and present less overall risk when they are part of a large group. 

So, Rep. Shimkus gets to have insurance that covers women’s prenatal care, and women get to have insurance that covers men’s Viagra and prostate cancer.

Shimkus like to tweet biblical quotes frequently.

We’ll just leave this one he posted last month here for him to ponder:

Appropriately, the author of The Handmaid’s Tale even weighed in:

Last month Rep. Shimkus was one of many Republicans who voted to allow severely mentally impaired people to buy guns. Maybe  I shouldn’t have to pay for people who get shot by them – maybe Rep. Shimkus should be responsible for those bills.

Here’s how some other people on Twitter responded to Rep. Shimkus’ remarks: 

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