Twitter Skewers TrumpCare With Hilarious ‘ObamaCare vs. GOP Replacement’ Memes

Here’s How Folks on Twitter Have Been Responding to This Unmitigated Disaster

Twitter’s been having a great time making fun of the horrific legislation Republicans put forth Monday night to “replace’ Obamacare. As the GOP moves closer and closer to destroying healthcare and literally kicking millions off their coverage, Americans have finally realized that Obamacare is a pretty good deal, one that can be mad even better if Republicans would stop trying to repeal and replace and instead fix what’s been working very well.

Republicans are so desperate to keep the campaign promises they’ve made throughout the Obama era that they’ve somehow not realized their constituents actually don’t want them to get rid of Obamacare. Republicans are also willing to vote on the legislation without even knowing the very essential elements about it: like how many people will it cover, how many will lose coverage, and how much will it cost.

The bottom line on what is now Trumpcare – the President endorsed it via Twitter Tuesday morning, so now he and the GOP totally own this monstrosity – is that millions will lose coverage, it will be more expensive, especially for those who can least afford it, and for the rich it provides lucrative tax breaks. It also wholly defunds Planned Parenthood, so for low-income Americans and those who live in areas where finding a health care provider can be challenging, it’s a double-whammy.

Here’s how folks on Twitter have been responding to this disaster: comparing ObamaCare vs. Trumpcare, or the GOP replacement:

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Hat tip: Huffington Post

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