Trump Presidential Approval Rating Now His Worst Ever

Numbers Don’t Reflect CBO TrumpCare Scoring

President Donald Trump’s numbers are bad and getting worse. According to Gallup’s daily tracking report, the President’s approval rating has hit an all-time low, 39%. His disapproval rating is just one point away from his presidential all-time worst, which was 56% — it’s now 55%. 


Gallup’s numbers are a three-day rolling average, concluding with Monday. Trump’s approval rating has plunged six points in two days. The numbers likely reflect little if any of the news that came out very late Monday afternoon, that an additional 24 million people will lose healthcare under TrumpCare, the Republican plan to repeal and “replace” ObamaCare. But they do reflect the news that includes TrumpCare, which was made public at 6 PM one week ago Monday.

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Image by Masha George via Flickr and a CC license 

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