To Kick Off the Week Trump Tweets Russia Collusion Story Is ‘FAKE NEWS,’ and Immediately Gets Mocked

No One Is Falling for Trump’s Failed Game Anymore

The world is on to Donald Trump.

The reality TV show host turned President of the United States was once a master manipulator of the media. It’s, in part, how he won the election. But his fortune took a turn for the worst as the nation realized the Russian government also played a large part in his election. Just how much the U.S. Intelligence agencies and even Congress are attempting to determine. Whether Americans ever learn the whole truth, well, who knows.

After a week that ended with the lowest presidential approval ratings of his nascent tenure – and in history at this point in office – with his plan to repeal and “replace” ObamaCare near the grave, his budget filled with cash for the military but none for Meals on Wheels widely derided and denigrated, his state visit with Germany’s Prime Minister yet another international embarrassment, and after playing golf for at least the tenth time since assuming office, while leaders of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees went even further to denounce his lie that President Barack Obama wiretapped him, Trump decided to kick off this very important – no, critical – week with tweets about Russia.

In just a few hours, FBI Director James Comey will be testifying before the House Intelligence Committee on Trump, Russia, and wiretapping.

“It’s a moment of political theater that could end in humiliation for Trump, with Comey expected to say that there was no wiretapping, debunking allegations that Trump has repeatedly refused to withdraw,” CNN reports. 

But also in just a few hours Trump’s pick to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch, will begin a likely four-day Senate hearing. If confirmed, part of Trump’s (horrific) legacy will be set in stone.

But rather than draw the nation’s eye to this historic moment in his presidency, President Donald Trump decided to kick off the week tweeting about Russia, and further dividing the nation with an attack on Democrats. 

Invoking the former Director of National Intelligence, Trump tweeted, “James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!”

Consider for a moment just how mortifying it is – for Americans – that the President of the United States again has to deny claims he colluded with Russia. It’s Nixonian.

And another lie: “The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!” 

“The real story that Congress, the FBI and all others should be looking into is the leaking of Classified information. Must find leaker now!” he concluded.

President Barack Obama, contrary to the lies told by Republicans, never went on an international apology tour. President Trump’s successor will be forced to.

Here are some responses to Trump’s tweets:

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Image by Dianne Yee via Flickr and a CC license 

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