Senate Intelligence Leaders Say ‘No Indications’ Trump’s Wiretapping Accusation Is Valid

Just One Day After House Intelligence Leaders Also Dispute Trump Wiretapping Claims

The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee have issued a rare joint statement that concludes there are “no indications” Trump Tower was wiretapped, wholly debunking President Donald Trump’s lies. The statement comes just one day after the leaders of the House Intelligence Committee stated Trump was “wrong” in making his claim.

“Based on the information available to us, we see no indications that Trump Tower was the subject of surveillance by any element of the United States government either before or after Election Day 2016.”

The statement was issued by Senator Richard Burr, Chairman (R-NC) (photo), and Senator Mark Warner, Vice Chairman (D-VA).

President Trump nearly two weeks ago via Twitter accused former President Barack Obama of a felony, saying Obama “wiretapped” him.


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