WATCH: Mika Brzezinski Says Trump ‘Possibly Unfit Mentally’

‘I’m Just Saying What Everyone Is Thinking’

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski had strong words to share about President Donald Trump, calling him “possibly unfit mentally” in light of his tweets accusing President Barack Obama of wiretapping him. 

“I wanted to have hope and I wanted to have an open mind, so that perhaps the weight of this office, of this presidency, might guide him in a better direction than in his previous life,” she told co-host Joe Scarborough. “It has not.”

As Scarborough went on to say Trump is “totally unprepared” for being president, and that Trump does not know what he does not know, Brzezinski interjected that Trump is “possibly unfit mentally.”

“Sorry, I’m just saying what everyone is thinking,” she added.

Scarborough continued, calling Trump’s Chief Strategist Steve Bannon, “the most dangerous person – the guy who says he’s a Leninist, who wants to destroy the government,” Scarborough charged, “that is who he turns to in his time of crises. And that is exactly who we’re getting – someone who is bringing down our government.”

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