He’s Back! Trump Goes on Nighttime Tweetstorm, Picks Up Again in Early Morning

“It Is a Total ‘Witch Hunt!'”

He’s back.

There was no pivot.

That whole “he just became president” pundit baloney was false.

President Donald Trump laid low after his Tuesday night address to Congress, basking in the fake, hi-wattage suntan lamps glow of praise from the media, including some of his greatest detractors, who blindly and ignorantly announced the president had become “presidential.”

Trump broke his 40-day streak by not even telling a single lie on Wednesday. Shocking.

But then the Jeff Sessions scandal broke, and the Twitter-addicted leader of the free world went off the wagon and onto the Android.

Thursday night, Trump came to the rescue of the man who helped make him president, the first U.S. Senator to break ranks and endorse the Manhattan billionaire sexual assault braggart.

Jeff Sessions is an honest man,” Trump tweeted. “He did not say anything wrong,” he insisted, despite likely having misled the Senate and the American public, likely having perjured himself by lying under oath.

“He could have stated his response more accurately,” the president went on, insisting that even though Sessions was asked a very simple question, was under no time constraints, and had weeks to amend his answer should he have had second thoughts about lying, what he did “clearly” wasn’t “intentional,” Trump tweeted.

And then, wait for it… Wait for it… Bam! There it was.

This whole narrative is a way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were supposed to win,”  he claimed, as if for some reason The Washington Post had a vested interest in Hillary Clinton becoming president and out of retribution decided to publish a very true report that the Attorney General does not deny, that he spoke with the Russian ambassador but did not disclose it when asked.

“The Democrats are overplaying their hand,” Trump tweeted. “They lost the election, and now they have lost their grip on reality,” he said, in a stunning example of sore-winneritis.

The real story,” Trump deflected, “is all of the illegal leaks of classified and other information. It is a total ‘witch hunt!'”

Speaking of with hunts, do you know who else is calling the Jeff Session scandal a “witch hunt”?

The Russian Foreign Minister, as NBC Nightly News’ Senior news editor and writer Bradd Jaffy notes:

Here are his tweets:

All of that mishegoss was Thursday night.  

Welcome to Friday morning:

Welcome to the greatest liar on the planet.

Who is in charge of the Senate? Republicans.

Who has zero control over Trump’s nominees, when the hearings are scheduled, and if the nominees have completed their required financial and ethics disclosures? Democrats.

Who has total and complete responsibility for approving Trump’s cabinet? Republicans.

Any questions?



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