Trump White House and Trump Jr. Lash Out at MSNBC’s ‘Desperate’ Rachel Maddow

‘#Trump Hating Followers’

Literally minutes after MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow tweeted she had obtained Donald Trump’s tax return, the White House released the same copy, from 2005. Not surprising, MSNBC naturally had reached out to the White House before airing the segment to ask for comment and to see if Trump or his team would acknowledge the authenticity of the document. Maddow announced on-air that the White House had.

But the White House also released a statement.

“You know you are desperate for ratings when you are willing to violate the law to push a story about two pages of tax returns from over a decade ago,” the statement reads.

“Before being elected president, Mr. Trump was one of the most successful businessmen in the world. It is totally illegal to steal and publish tax returns. The dishonest media can continue to make this part of their agenda, while the president will focus on his, which includes tax reform for all Americans.”

It is not illegal for MSNBC to have published Trump’s tax return.

Donald Trump Jr. went on a Twitter rant:

Not surprisingly, the president’s son is wrongly stating the numbers.  

Maddow reported that Trump paid $36.5 million in taxes. The White House said $38 million, which Maddow says includes payroll taxes.




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