WATCH: Conservative PAC Prematurely Airs Ads Thanking Republicans For Obamacare Repeal

Commercials Paid for by the American Action Network Appeared in Several Markets Friday Night

Hours after the GOP’s plan to repeal and replace Obamacare went down in flames, a conservative PAC aired TV ads in several markets congratulating Republicans in Congress for passing the measure. 

Deadspin reports that the ads — paid for by the American Action Network PAC — aired during basketball coverage Friday night in Virginia, California, Iowa and Texas. 

“Republicans are keeping their promise with a new plan for better health care, more choices and lower costs, putting doctors and patients in charge again,” the ad’s narrator states.

“No more big government subsidies or job-killing mandates. New tax credits to make insurance cheaper, and real protections for people with pre-existing conditions,” the ads continue, before urging viewers to thank their representative for “keeping their promise and replacing the Affordable Care Act with the better health care you deserve.” 

The Washington Examiner notes that two members of Congress featured in the ads, California’s Barbara Comstock and Iowa’s David Young, reportedly were leaning toward voting “no” on the GOP plan, which was pulled from the House floor by Speaker Paul Ryan after it became clear it wouldn’t pass.  

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