Republican Who Said Only Democrats Commit Voter Fraud Charged With Voter Fraud (Video)

‘Virtually Every Case of Voter Fraud I Can Remember in My Lifetime Was Committed by Democrats’ Said Steve Curtis

Steve Curtis used to be the Colorado State Republican Party Chairman and served on a board of the Denver Tea Party Patriots. Now, he’s a far right wing AM radio talk show host who rails about “Obama’s Deep State” and “The Lunatic Left” while hosting anti-gay hate group head Brian Camenker of MassResistance. On his KLZ 560 radio show “Wake Up!” Curtis has also talked about voter fraud, accusing Democrats of being the ones who are always committing the felony.

“It seems to be, and correct me if I’m wrong here, but virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats,” he once said on his radio show.


But today Curtis is the one charged with voter fraud.

Curtis stands accused of signing his ex-wife’s name to her ballot and mailing it in. Colorado ABC affiliate Denver7 reports Curtis has been charged “with one count of forgery of a public record, a fifth-degree felony, and an elections mail-in ballot offense, a misdemeanor.”

If convicted, he could serve up to four-and-a-half years in jail.

Denver7 reports Curtis was charged on February 1, but the news of alleged crimes are just coming to light now. KLZ 560 has been airing Curtis’ programs and does not appear to have suspended him.

His ex-wife, Kelly Curtis, told Fox 31 she is “livid.”

“It was demeaning and presumptuous, and I had no idea what would go on in someone’s mind to cast my ballot for me illegally, actually to go to all the trouble to forge my ballot,” she said. And she thinks he’s hurt his credibility.

“For somebody that speaks out for the Constitution and voters rights and our right as U.S. citizens, it definitely goes against what he talks about on his shows and how he lives his life as everyone has their right to vote,” she said.

Meanwhile, The Huffington Post notes, “Curtis isn’t the only Trump supporter to have been charged with voter fraud. Terri Lynn Rote was arrested in October after she apparently tried to vote twice, the Des Moines Register reported.”

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