‘Don’t Say Gay’ Christian Values GOP Lawmaker Accused of Affair With Employee Who’s Also His Patient Who’s Also His Cousin

Anti-Gay Christian Warrior, Married and Divorced four Times, Embroiled in Divorce and Pain Killer Scandal

Do you remember Tennessee state Senator Joey Hensley? He’s the guy who won the seat of wildcard lawmaker Stacey Campfield, an infamous advocate for a “Don’t Say Gay” bill that would ban schools, administrators, and even students from discussing anything related to homosexuality. Senator Hensley, who has been a lawmaker for 15 years and happens to also be a medical doctor, took up the mantle of pushing the ugly legislation. He also pushed a Tennessee bill that would allow discrimination against LGBT people and atheists by mental health students, allowing them to refuse to treat people, as part of their required training, if they expressed a deeply held religious belief. 

He’s also a bit of a nut. In 2011, for example, Hensley sent out letters to every water district across the state asking them to stop fluoridating their water. “Just because we’ve been doing something for 50 years doesn’t make that right” he told a local news channel.

Oh. And he has been married and divorced four times.

Senator Hensley is now, once again, in the news. No, not for hitting his ex-wife with his car, a charge she withdrew, but for being named in the sworn court testimony of a local mayor’s divorce proceedings.

Hensley still claims to be a good Christian conservative. He thinks “Modern Family” shouldn’t be allowed on TV, but supports a pro-“MILO” bill created to ensure conservatives are allowed to speak on college campuses. It’s named for that former Breitbart editor who advocated for underage sex between older men and teenaged boys as young as 13.

In 2012 Hensley won election to the state Senate, after having served as a Representative. Maybe Tennesseans should have paid more attention to this campaign ad from the Democrats, who accused Hensley of overprescribing pain killers.

And now, this report from Nashville Scene

“A doctor and his younger nurse fall in love. They continue their torrid affair even after his ex-wife tips off the nurse’s husband, a local politician, to the salacious goings-on. As the divorce moves forward, discovery turns up that the nurse is not just the doctor’s employee and his lover, but his patient, with a predilection for pain pills. And, oh, she’s his second cousin, too.”

You already know where this is going.

Senator Hensley is the accused doctor in question. The local politician is the mayor.

“Hensley, 61, was subpoenaed to appear last week in Williamson County Circuit Court to testify in the divorce proceedings of Hohenwald Vice Mayor Don Barber and his wife Lori. He refused to show up, citing legislative and medical privilege,” Nashville Scene adds.

“I didn’t have time to do it,” Hensley said when contacted on Friday afternoon. “I had nothing to do with the court case, and any testimony I would have given wouldn’t have made any difference.”

But according to the sworn testimony of both Barbers, Hensley has been having an affair with Lori since 2014. Lori, 48, is a part-time nurse in Hensley’s medical practice in Lewis County; she is also his second cousin.

Privilege indeed.

Senator Hensley is a mighty Christian warrior fighting against gay children in schools, and fighting against gay children and adults who want counseling. And now he’s even fighting to prevent same-sex couples from having children, by sponsoring legislation “from the Tennessee Family Action Council that would make children created using donor sperm illegitimate — an attempt to make it harder for gay and lesbian parents to establish paternity.”

But, if the accusations against him are true, well, what does that make him?

And if you’re wondering, yes, there are rules.

It is a clear violation of the American Medical Association’s code of ethics — to which the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners subscribes — for a doctor to become romantically involved with a patient,” Nashville Scene notes. “It is also in violation of the state board’s guidelines to regularly treat immediate family members or prescribe them drugs.”

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Image: Screenshot via YouTube 

Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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