WATCH: Trump Says ‘Wonderful’ Michael Flynn Has ‘Been Treated Very, Very Unfairly’ by ‘The Fake Media’

President Neglects to Mention He Fired Flynn

President Donald Trump told reporters at a joint press conference with Israel’s Prime Minister that his former National Security Advisor whom he fired Monday is a “wonderful man” who was treated unfairly by the media, which he blanket-labeled “fake.” 

“General Flynn is a wonderful man,” the President said. “I think he’s been treated very, very unfairly by the media, as I call it the fake media in many cases. I think it’s really a sad thing that he was treated so badly,” Trump insisted, ignoring that Flynn lied to his vice president, and that Trump himself chose to not stand by Flynn but to fire him, and to allow his press secretary to frame it as a firing.

Trump then attacked his own intelligence agencies, saying, “papers are being leaked, things are being leaked,” which he labeled as “criminal,” and “going on for a long time.”

The President also took yet another shot at the Hillary Clinton campaign, saying “people are trying to cover up for the terrible loss that the Democrats had under Hillary Clinton.”

Clinton beat Trump in the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. About 70,000 votes across three states determined the outcome of the November election. Trump’s Electoral College win was ranked 46th out of 58.

Trump reiterated that it’s “very very unfair what’s happened to General Flynn.”

He did not mention, again, that he is the one who fired Flynn, nor did he mention the latest news, that multiple members of his campaign team and his own business’ employees maintained consistent conversations with top Russian intelligence and government officials throughout the presidential campaign.



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