Watch Live: President Trump Delivers Speech at National Prayer Breakfast

Event Organized by Shadowy Anti-LGBT Christian Extremists Known as ‘The Family’

For decades every president has attended the National Prayer Breakfast and Donald Trump will be no exception. Beginning at 8 AM EST, the event will feature national and international religious leaders of various faiths. Hosted by members of congress, the breakfast is attended by about 3500 people from around the globe, and is organized by an infamous, shadowy anti-LGBT group known as “The Family.”

All week rumors have circulated that President Trump would repay the religious right with an anti-LGBT executive order vastly expanding their “religious freedom” by effectively legalizing their “right” to discriminate against practically anyone. Trump, it has been rumored, might reveal that order at Thursday’s breakfast.

You can watch the event live above, or on C-SPAN online or C-SPAN 2 on cable TV.

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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