WATCH LIVE NOW: Anti-Trump #NotMyPresident Presidents’ Day Protests Across the Nation (Photos, Videos)
‘Hey Hey, Ho Ho, Donald Trump Has Got to Go’
Across the nation in large cities and small towns Americans are lining up and marching to protest the Donald Trump presidency. On this, Presidents’ Day, officially the federal holiday of Washington’s Birthday, many are joining together in opposition to what they are calling the worst president ever, and his policies.Â
More than 47,000 protestors have signed up to rally in cities across America, from New York City to L.A., from Atlanta to Oregon, and in Philadelphia, Boston, Salt Lake City, Indianapolis, Pasadena, Austin, Concord, Kansas City, and more.
Watch these live videos above and directly below of anti-Trump protests from around the country:
According to a Facebook page that appears to be co-ordinating the events, many of the two dozen rallies and protests officially start at 2 PM EST, but here are some photos and clips we’ve gathered:
Protesters starting to gather in Atlanta for #NotMyPresidentsDay march. Watch at noon on @cbs46.
— Rebekka Schramm (@SchrammCBS46) February 20, 2017
Some signs at the #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY rally in downtown LA Monday.
— Susan Abram (@sabramLA) February 20, 2017
“Love! Not hate! Makes America great!” Chant a growing number of people at a #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY rally in LA.
— Susan Abram (@sabramLA) February 20, 2017
— Olivia Smith (@LivNews) February 20, 2017
The #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY march in #atlanta has started. Marchers walking down peachtree to Lenox
— Ashley Thompson (@AshleyCBS46) February 20, 2017
Shouting ‘Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go’ protesters gather in NYC #NotMyPresident
— Matthew Diebel (@MatthewDiebel) February 20, 2017
A @realDonaldTrump supporter argues with anti-Trump protesters at #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY rally in NYC.
— Matthew Diebel (@MatthewDiebel) February 20, 2017
— Peter Soeller (@SoellerPower) February 20, 2017
Make America Good Again. #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY at the NY Rally
— Amanda Green (@amanda_green) February 20, 2017
#Protesters gather on Central Park West for #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY rally in #NYC
— Gilad Thaler (@GiladThaler) February 20, 2017
And we have a winner. #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY
— Steve Kanter (@TheEditDog) February 20, 2017
— Marion Leary (@marionleary) February 20, 2017
Donald Trump impersonator reads off some Trump executive orders at #NOTMYPRESIDENTSDAY rally in Philly
— Joe Hernandez (@byJoeHernandez) February 20, 2017
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Image by Gilad Thaler/Twitter
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