Republican Senator Who Warned Warren Tweets Video of Him Titled ‘The Senator Will Take Her Seat’

Pure Sexism, Misogyny, Patriarchy

Republican freshman U.S. Senator Steve Daines of Montana initiated what has become a major fiasco for the GOP. Daines “warned” Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) that, in his opinion, her reading of Coretta Scott King’s letter and the late Senator Ted Kennedy’s remarks were a violation of the arcane Senate Rule 19.

Many across the nation are outraged that Senator Warren was targeted and officially rebuked for reading on the Senate floor the words of a civil rights icon, also a woman, and an African American, during Black History Month. Four Democratic senators, all men, subsequently read the same letter on the Senate floor since Warren’s rebuke, and were not interrupted by the Republican majority.

Many are calling the move by Daines, and then the official rebuke vote called for by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, sexism. This tweet from Senator Daines seems to make their claims all the more valid:

Posted to his official YouTube page, Senator Daines tweeted a video of him telling Senator Warren to “take her seat.” His video itself is titled, “The Senator Will Take Her Seat.”

Not, “Elizabeth Warren Rebuked,” not “Debate on Jeff Sessions,” and not “Here I Am, the Presiding President of the Senate.”


“The Senator Will Take Her Seat.”

And by tweeting it with that title, it becomes all the more sexist. And it becomes bragging about being sexist. And misogynistic. And patriarchal.

Any disputes about the blatant sexism at play here have just been debunked.

Any questions?

Comments on Daines’ tweet were universally in agreement:

A screenshot of them:

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