Legal Jeopardy? In FBI Interview Michael Flynn Denied Discussing Sanctions With Russian Ambassador.

Will He Be Charged?

President Trump’s now-fired National Security Advisor Michael Flynn could still be facing legal challenges. The retired general, who was fired by the Commander-in-Chief Monday night may have lied during an interview with the FBI.

Noting that “lying to the FBI is a felony,” The Washington Post Thursday afternoon reports “Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.”

Flynn’s statements put him “in legal jeopardy, as lying to the FBI is a felony,” the Post notes, “but any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.”

The Trump Justice Dept. will be headed by former Sen. Jeff Sessions, who has as of yet refused to recuse himself, despite repeated calls from top Democrats for him to do so.

In a recent interview with the Daily Caller,” the Post reports, “Flynn said he didn’t discuss sanctions,’ but did discuss the Obama administration’s expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats, which were part of the sanctions package it announced on Dec. 29.”

A report on Wednesday said several sources had insisted the FBI would not be pursuing charges.

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