In Latest Unhinged Twitter Rant Trump Says Democrats Made Up Entire ‘Fake News’ Russia Story

What Do Those Who Are Scared and Have Nothing Left to Lose Do?

“I will be president for all Americans,” President-elect promised in the early morning hours of November 9, as he delivered his speech announcing he had just been elected president. He talked about reaching out to those who did not support him, to “unify.”

He has never, not once, kept true to that promise.

Thursday morning President Trump, beginning his 27th full day in office, told Americans the entire narrative, the consensus of all 17 U.S. government intelligence agencies, all the reporting by national and international news organizations – everything – about the Russian government’s intervention into the American election, along with his campaign and business employees’ frequent conversations with top Russian intelligence and governmental officials for the year prior to the election, is just “a story” Democrats came up with to justify Hillary Clinton’s loss.

Along with that, President Trump labeled almost half the nation, Democratic voters, as “discredited,” and news organizations that have reported on the Russia news as “fading fast.”

Literally not one word of President Trump’s latest insane rage is true, including his Electoral College vote count, which was 304, not the 306 he always claims.

Not that they need us to tell them how to feel, but we can assume members of the U.S. intelligence community, including those who literally risk their lives to protect this nation, could all, understandably, be outraged. 

What the president is doing is un-American. It’s dangerous. He is destroying the confidence the American people have in the very institutions that protect us, and protect truth.

And if we don’t have truth, what, exactly, are we left with?

Donald Trump is possibly the worst president in American history. He has kept none of his promises to the American people – fortunately – and it becomes clearer day by day what a disaster his presidency has become. 

Thursday morning’s rant, while typical – also feels like a turning point.

He is losing, “bigly,” and he knows it. 

Trump may put on a happy face, but inside he is seething. Literally every day brings another loss, another defection, another revelation. He is running scared, and while that’s good, it’s also the precursor to what will come next. Because what do those who are scared and have nothing left to lose do?


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