Five Weeks Into His Presidency Donald Trump Grades Himself – Guess What He Says He Deserves?

Trump’s Record Includes Breaking Nearly Every Promise of What He Would Do on Day One and in His First Month

President Donald Trump is an amalgam of extreme insecurity and extreme self-importance. He is constantly lying and bragging to make up for his shortfalls and for what he thinks he deserves. 

Fox News’ “Fox & Friends,” ahead of the president’s first address to Congress, early Tuesday morning asked the really tough, hard-hitting questions, like, what grade he would give himself.

Just five weeks into his term, having broken almost all of his “on day one” promises, and broken 64 of his 71 promises for his first 30 days in office, can you guess how the President of the United States graded himself?

Definitely on a curve. The biggest, most trumpian curve ever.

“In terms of effort,” Trump said, “I give myself an A+.”

“In terms of messaging I would give myself a C or a C+.”

“In terms of achievement I think I’d give myself an A.”

Think about that. A nearly uninterrupted string of broken promises to the American people, an utterly failed mission in Yemen that left a Navy Seal dead along with scores of civilians, unwavering attacks on the media, talk of impeachment, approval ratings at historic lows, and on most days he tells an average of four lies.

But President Trump thinks he deserves an A.


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