‘I Don’t Believe in Fake News’: Mika Brzezinski Announces Kellyanne Conway Is Not Welcome on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’

‘I Don’t Believe in Fake News or Information That Is Not True’

Kellyanne Conway‘s week has just gotten even worse. MSNBC “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski Wednesday morning announced the White House counselor to the President is no longer welcome on the show, just one day after both hosts ripped Conway apart as a liar who is out of the loop and who makes things up.

“I don’t believe in fake news or information that is not true,” Brzezinski said Wednesday. “Every time I’ve ever seen her on television something is askew, off, or incorrect,” she said, as The Hill notes.

Calling Conway “not credible anymore,” Brzezinski said, “Kellyanne Conway does not need to text our show, as long as I’m on it.”

Joe Scarborough echoed his co-host’s sentiments, but walked back his comments from Tuesday when he said she “goes out and lies.”

Saying he doesn’t “even think she’s saying something she knows to be untrue,” Scarborough accused Conway of “just saying things just to get in front of the TV to prove her relevance because behind the scenes she’s not in these meetings and any reporter can ask anybody in that White House and they will say the same thing. She’s not in these meetings.”

“So why does the president allow her to keep going out and spreading false information?” he asked.

While Brzezinski may say “every time” she’s seen Conway on TV “something is askew, off, or incorrect,” Conwy has been on “Morning Joe” dozens if not hundreds of times. 

When Conway was named White House counselor she thanked Brzezinski. “I appreciate your counsel and your friendship throughout, Mika, and that of many others,” Conway said in December.

On Tuesday Conway tweeted her “love” to a white nationalist, then deleted the tweet saying she did not know who accessed her account to post that message. And the Office of Government Ethics recommended Conway be disciplined for her “free commercial” hawking Ivanka Trump’s clothing line.

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