‘Do Your Job!’: Angry Constituents at Town Hall Force Sen. Joni Ernst to Flee 45 Minutes Early (Video)

Constituents Furious Republicans Have Not Investigated Trump’s Russian Connections

Remember Iowa Senator Joni Ernst, who came to Washington after launching her campaign with her talking about how she can castrate a pig? Ernst supposedly was the face of the new GOP, a woman, tough, who was going to fix Washington like she did barnyard animals.

Apparently, after just two years in DC, her constituents would like to retire her out to pasture.

At a veterans’ town hall in Maquoketa, Iowa, a surprised Senator Ernst was forced to flee 45 minutes early after constituents unhappy with her answers began to chant, “shame on you!” “your last term!” and “do your job!”

Iowa Starting Line, which posted the above photos and this video to Twitter, reports Ernst didn’t take many questions:

What’s interesting are the hand-made signs the crowd, mostly older people, including vets, were waving. Some read, “Keep Medicare,” “Climate Justice Now!” “Healthcare is a right,” and “Environment.”

But many of the constituents-turned-protestors were clearly angry about Russia and demanded to know why Ernst hasn’t done anything about it, and Putin.

When Ernst ended early, Iowans were angry:

It did not get any easier outside:


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