WATCH: McCaskill Takes Down Trump by Asking Intelligence Chief ‘Who Benefits’ From ‘Trashing the Intelligence Community’

The Very Nations and Actors Who Most Want to Harm the United States

U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill asked Director of National Intelligence James Clapper what so far has been one of the most important questions during Thursday’s Senate hearing into Russia’s hacking operations into the U.S. and the American election. The Democrat from Missouri, who now serves as the Ranking Member of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, asked Clapper, who stands to gain from Donald Trump’s repeated attacks on U.S. intelligence agencies. 

“So let’s talk about who benefits from a president-elect trashing the intelligence community?,” Sen. McCaskill asked, pointedly. “Who benefits from that, Director Clapper? The American people? Them losing confidence in the intelligence community and the work of the intelligence community? Who actually is the benefactor of someone who’s about to become Commander-in-Chief, trashing the intelligence community?”

Clapper responded, saying there’s an “important distinction” between “healthy skepticism” and “disparagement.”

McCaskill went on to note that the “biggest benefactors are Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, and ISIS.”

So, to sum up: Donald Trump is helping the very nations and actors who most want to harm the United States when he disparages the U.S. intelligence agencies.

How is that upholding the Constitution or keeping America safe?

How is that “making America great again”?

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