WATCH: Anderson Cooper Battles Kellyanne Conway for Conflating Buzzfeed and CNN Reports


Journalists are finally catching on to Kellyanne Conway‘s interview tricks. She is the master of spin, the merchant of pivot. Ironically, one of the best Conway interviewers is NBC’s “Late Night” host Seth Meyers, as the nation learned this week, but CNN’s Anderson Cooper, it turns out, is pretty darn good too.

Wednesday night the AC360 host kept Conway in check by knowing his subject matter netter than Conway expected.

For ten minutes Cooper and Conway go head-to-head in a battle over the Trump transition team’s unfair and false conflation with Buzzfeed over the news that Russia may have compromising info on the president-elect.

On Wednesday, at his first press conference in nearly six months, Trump continued his war on the press by attacking CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent, refusing to take his question, and announcing to the world that CNN is “fake news.” 

Cooper defended CNN’s reporting, which did not go as far as Buzzfeed’s, and which was factual and well-sourced.

Try to count how many times Conway spins and pivots. Headspinning:

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Hat tip: Joe.My.God.

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