President Trump Is Very Insecure About The Size Of His Inauguration Crowd

“Honestly, It Looked Like A Million And A Half People,” He Claims

Speaking at the hallowed ground of the CIA Memorial Wall on Saturday, President Donald Trump used the occasion to deliver what was essentially a vindictive campaign speech.

Addressing about 300 CIA employees, Trump blasted the media for allegedly lying about the crowd size at his inauguration, calling reporters “among the most dishonest human beings on earth.” He went on to claim that as many as 1.5 million people attended the inauguration, while independent estimates put the crowd size at only 250,000. 

“We had a massive field of people, packed,” Trump said. “I get up this morning, I turn on one of the networks, and they show an empty field. I said wait a minute, I made a speech, I looked out, the field was — it looked like a million, a million and a half people. They showed a field and there was practically no one standing there.

“Honestly, it looked like a million and a half people,” he added. “Whatever it was it was, but it went all the way back to the Washington monument. … [They said] we drew 250,00. Now that’s not bad, but it’s a lie.” 

The Democratic National Committee responded to Trump’s speech with a blistering statement. 

“After he finished ranting about crowd sizes on the National Mall, I hope President Trump sat down for an interview with the CIA to help with their investigation into his team’s possible collusion with the Kremlin to win the election,” DNC senior adviser Zac Petkanas said. “Next, he can sit down with the FBI who have sought warrants to monitor his team for the same reason.” 

More reactions from Twitter below. 

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