Democratic Lawmakers Just Met With Obama on the Hill Right Now and Are Tweeting in Support of Obamacare – You Should Too

Lives Are Literally at Stake

President Barack Obama made a rare but vital visit to Capitol Hill to meet with Democratic representatives and senators to strategize about how to save Obamacare from imminent death. President-elect Donald Trump, Vice President-elect Mike Pence, Speaker Paul Ryan, and the rest of the GOP caucus in the House and Senate are also meeting and holding press conferences gleefully telling the American people how they will keep their promise and repeal Obamacare in full, immediately.

That “repeal and replace” lie Republicans have been telling Americans is just that, a lie. Despite having taken over 60 votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act since it became law, there is no valid legitimate replacement program for Obamacare.

And even though Donald Trump promised Americans a “seamless” transition from Obamacare. That was a lie. Right now the GOP is planning a two to four year delay between repeal and replace. And as a result 30 million people will lose healthcare.

People will die. People will go bankrupt.

That is not hyperbole. That is fact.

Right now Democratic lawmakers and others, some using the hashtag #acaworks, are tweeting about saving Obamacare and you can, and should, too.

Here are a few tweets. At the very least, please retweet them.

Lives are literally at stake.


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