Breaking: Trump Signs Orders to Defund Billions From Sanctuary Cities, Increase Deportations, and Build His Wall

President Claims His Intent Is to Make America More Safe, but It Will Actually Make America More Dangerous

President Donald Trump has just signed executive orders that will defund billions of dollars from sanctuary cities, and will begin the process of building his wall on the border with Mexico.

Trump insists, with nothing to support his claim, that Mexico will “reimburse” the United States, despite that country’s president promising that will never happen. The President told ABC News Wednesday construction will begin in a few months, which also sounds, given the challenges, to be a huge stretch.

“Trump will hurl federal officials into the task of building a wall on the US-Mexico border, call for boosting border patrol forces and look to increase deportations of undocumented immigrants by signing two executive orders during a visit to the Department of Homeland Security, the agency that would implement those actions,” CNN reports, citing a source familiar with the plan.

“The executive orders will also seek to end sanctuary cities and the practice of releasing undocumented immigrants detained by federal officials before trial.”

President Trump’s plan to withhold billions of dollars to cities and locales that refuse to support federal deportation actions in an effort to shield undocumented immigrants and provide them with equal rights will affect dozens of cities, including Washington, D.C. 

According to Mother Jones, among those cities are New York City ($7 billion), Chicago and San Francisco ($1 billion each), Denver ($175 million),  Providence, Rhode Island ($71 million), Baltimore ($171 million), Oakland, California ($52 million), Minneapolis ($25 million), Los Angeles ($507 million), Santa Fe, New Mexico ($6 million), and others.

Pres. Trump claims he is defunding these cities to make them more safe, but this action will have the exact opposite effect, as in many cases the federal funds he will not withhold or deny would go directly to paying for law enforcement.

Mother Jones also notes, “evidence suggests sanctuary cities are actually safer for local residents.

Video cameras apparently were not allowed during the signing ceremony.

Donald Trump foments violence and hate, is a serial liar, a racist, a misogynist, a supporter of white nationalism, a fascistic bully, an authoritarian thug, a sexual assault and adultery braggart, a hypocrite, a defrauder, and is a danger to civil rights, freedom of the press, and peace around the world.

You can respond directly to Donald Trump by sending your comments to him on Twitter: @realDonaldTrump or @POTUS.
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