#StopSessions Action Alert: What You Can Do to Help Stop Jeff Sessions From Becoming Attorney General

Make Your Voice Heard!

There’s no hiding that most of President Elect Trump’s cabinet nominations are absolutely terrible, but some are more terrible than others. 

Jeff Sessions, whose nomination hearings for U.S. Attorney General begin Tuesday, is among the worst. Simply put, he will be a disaster for LGBTQ people and other minorities. He has has a history of racist remarks. He voted against the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. He supports the anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act. We’re not exaggerating when we say that Jeff Sessions is the among the worst possible choices for U.S. Attorney General.  

In an effort to turn our anger and frustration in to action, we’re caling upon all of you to share this message and contact your senators and the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. We need just a few Senators to flip their vote to “no.”

We’ve included some of that information below, courtesy of Twitter user Geneva. For more contact information, including finding your Senators, check out whoismyrepresentative.com. 

Numerous groups have come out against Sessions and there have been many articles and columns about how bad he would be: 

Here’s an example of what to say – as always, please be respectful.

“I’m calling/writing to urge you not to confirm Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General. His record of racist and anti-LGBTQ actions disqualify him from being able to protect and defend all citizens of this country. He has a history of objectionable actions and will not faithfully execute his duty to protect and defend the Constitution for every American. Thank you for your time.”

Our elected officials really do pay attention to the number of emails and phone calls they receive. Make yourselves heard!

If you want to call your own Senators, that’s a good idea too: the U.S. Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 will connect you with any Senator or Representative. 

Image by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs via Flickr 

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