Twitter Explodes in Anger as Chuck Todd Falsely Credits Trump’s Tweets for GOP Reversal on Gutting Ethics Office

‘Trump Does Two Tweets and He Stops It’ Todd Wrongly Says

Chuck Todd Tuesday afternoon on MSNBC’s “Meet the Press” falsely credited two of Donald Trump‘s tweets for the reversal of House Republicans’ decision to gut the House Office of Congressional Ethics, despite the – at minimum – thousands of calls from Democratic and Republican constituents to their representatives over an 18 hour period.

To be clear, Trump’s tweets came well after it was clear that the GOP was in trouble and would be forced to reverse course on the inane proposal to gut the ethics office.

Washington Post political correspondent Robert Costa hours before Todd went on-air to falsely credit Trump, misinforming the American people and whisking away their efforts noted on Twitter that it was, indeed, constituent calls that killed the attempt to kill the ethics office.

“We shot ourselves in the foot,” Rep. Mike Simpson (R-ID) told reporters Tuesday after the House GOP caucus met in private late this morning. “I could have told you last night when we left this would be undone by the time the rules package came up,” he added when asked if Trump’s tweets had anything to do with the GOP’s reversal, Talking Points Memo reports in an article titled, “Not So Fast, Media: GOPer Says Trump Tweets Didn’t Prompt Ethics Reversal.”

“Part of it is the headlines were we were backing off on ethics,” Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) added, according to The Hill. “So that’s not a good headline when it comes to messaging.”

Activist Michael Moore took to Twitter to perfectly encapsulate the timeline, something Todd clearly had not thought about:

Unafraid to challenge her MSNBC colleague, Joy Reid took to Twitter to correct the record:

Susan Page, Washington Bureau Chief of USA Today, who was on “Meet the Press” diucussing the story with Todd today, voiced her agreement with Reid’s assessment:

Immediately, many on Twitter watching Chuck Todd hand Donald Trump credit for their hard work went ballistic:

No wonder the public has little respect for the mainstream media, Chuck… You’re part of the problem.



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