Watch These Donald Trump Supporters Totally Cover for Him While Slamming Clintons for Same Issues

‘What’s the Purpose of Releasing His Taxes Anyway?’

A panel of Donald Trump supporters had no problem whatsoever in ignoring the now-president-elects conflicts of interest and refusal to release his taxes, but on similar issues adamantly held the Clinton family’s feet to the fire.

“When you look at his kids, talk about being raised right,” Paul DiBartolo told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota, as the group agreed. But when Camerota asked them to exchange the name “Ivanka” for “Chelsea” Clinton, an entirely different standard was applied.


“Because Chelsea is a product of the government,” Susan Delemus said, which is both untrue and disturbing.

Members of the group, asked about Trump’s refusal to release his taxes, responded, “Who cares?”

As for his international business interests and the growing list of conflicts of interest, well…

“Why is it that you’re totally comfortable with Donald Trump’s family being able to have these other business interests,” Camerota asked the group, “but it wouldn’t have been OK for Bill and Chelsea Clinton to have had that same deal?”

“Mr. Trump,” John Hikel responded, “has disclosed his so-called conflicts.”

Asked how, Hikel said, “by coming out and saying that he owns some of the best real estate and some of the best businesses in the world.”

Hikel also said, “What’s the purpose of releasing his taxes anyway?”

“Who cares?” Trump supporter Paula Johnson added.

By the way, here’s more from Paula Johnson:

WATCH: Trump Voter Tells CNN ‘3 Million Illegals Voted’ in California Because ‘California Allows It’

Trump Supporter Has It All Figured Out: We Need the Wall Because It’s ‘Illegals’ Who Are Burning American Flags

Hikel and Johnson, and you, and me, and all Americans should care.


The Sunlight Foundation, “a national, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that uses the tools of civic tech, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all,” offers this list of reasons why we should want to and why democracy needs us to see Donald Trump’s tax returns:

From tax returns we learn:

  • Yearly income of the candidate
  • How much the candidate paid in taxes and the tax rate
  • What deductions and tax credits claimed 
  • Real estate taxes and abatements
  • Investments
  • How much the candidate gave to charity (which could shed light on their values and priorities)
  • To whom the candidate owes money 
  • Who are the candidates in business with and the financial positions of those companies (whether they have had gains or losses)
  • May indicate if money is being held offshore

On the financial disclosure forms: 

  • Outside Income
  • Gifts
  • Assets/property owned
  • Specific investments/trusts
  • Possible conflicts of interest
  • Certain transactions/agreements made with businesses and people 
  • Positions held at different companies outside of the government
  • Liabilities

For instance, one day after Trump “saved” about 800 jobs at Carrier in Indiana, by Mike Pence giving them a $7 million tax break, we are just learning right now that Trump has investments in Carrier’s parent company, United Technologies, and therefore profited from the deal.

So his soon-to-be vice president just effectively gave the soon-to-be president taxpayer money.

It’s the willful ignorance of Trump supporters like the people in this video who defended Trump, giving him a free pass, that literally are helping to harm our democracy.



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