WATCH: John Bolton Says Democrats May Have Hacked DNC in ‘False Flag Operation’

Bolton Expected to Become Second Most Powerful Person in Trump’s State Dept.

The Democrats may have hacked the DNC’s servers, and possibly Clinton Campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, given all the hacked files to Wikileaks, which subsequently published them, in a “false flag operation,” according to John Bolton. Bolton, the former Ambassador to the United Nations who has said America’s vote in the international organization that literally has saved millions of lives is “meaningless,” will likely become the second-most powerful person in the Trump administration’s State Department.

“It’s not at all clear to me just viewing this from the outside that this hacking into the DNC and the RNC computers was not a false flag operation,” Bolton told Fox News Sunday, implying the Democrats hacked their own servers.

“The question that has to be asked is, why did the Russians run their smart intelligence service against Hillary’s server but their dumb intelligence services against the election?” Bolton asked rhetorically – and nonsensically.

There is a clear consensus among the 17 U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia did hack the DNC and RNC computers, despite firm denials from former RNC chairman Reince Priebus that the RNC was hacked.

Bolton’s claim that the reason no RNC files were leaked proves the Democrats are behind the hacks is both illogical and ludicrous. Wikileaks, which many believe received the hacked DNC files from Russian government operatives or hackers hired by them, had no interest in taking down Donald Trump. In fact, Wikileaks head Julian Assange in an interview earlier this year admitted he wanted to take Hillary Clinton down, saying she is a personal foe.

Bolton also mischaracterized FBI Director James Comey’s comments about having not found any evidence of foreign hacking into Clinton’s personal server.

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