‘Open Season on Christians’: Benham Brothers Sound Alarm Over Expected Repeal of Anti-LGBT Law HB2 (Video)

‘We Hate Being the Dudes That Have to Talk About It’

The Benham Brothers are back. This time they are warning about the expected repeal of North Carolina’s anti-LGBT law, HB2, saying they really “hate being the dudes that have to talk about it.”

Calling the repeal of the likely unconstitutional law “craziness” “political pandering,” and even a “shakedown,” the identical twins who gained notoriety for their anti-LGBT agenda call it “another radical move by the left.”

HB2 “is a good law” That’s necessary, the brothers say, because Charlotte’s nondiscrimination ordinance, which allowed transgender people to use public restrooms that correspond with their gender identity, “declared open season on Christians living out their faith.” 

It’s unclear how trans people using the restroom has anything to do with Christians living out their faith, but they add that localities that enact nondiscrimination ordinances after HB2 is repealed, which is expected to take place Wednesday, will be targeting Christians.

Ending on a disgusting note of fear, the Benhams suggest that if HB2 is repealed men will be allowed to expose themselves to women in restrooms. There are, of course, laws that prohibit that, with or without HB2.

“House Bill 2 is the only Hurdle that the Human Rights Campaign and sexual activists need to remove so they can go out and force participation in the sexual revolution,” they falsely conclude.



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Hat tip: Right Wing Watch

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