Twitter Hilariously Mocks Trump for Taking Credit for Rise in Consumer Confidence

But Trump Has Effectively Announced He Is Responsible for All Similar Measures, Could Haunt Him Going Forward

Donald Trump Tuesday night took credit for a rise in December’s Consumer Confidence Index, a monthly survey designed to reveal Americans’ feelings about the economy. Trump not once during the campaign ever mentioned the CCI, and in fact frequently – and falsely – claimed the economy was bad and even tried to convince supporters unemployment is “as high as 35” percent, even though it is under five percent. But now Trump ludicrously thinks he deserves credit for a rise in consumer confidence, even (embarrassingly) thanking himself by name:

What the billionaire doesn’t realize is it takes actual hard work to make the economy better, and hard work to get people to see that it’s better.

On Twitter, many responded by mocking Trump:

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