Twitter Erupts in Anger as Top Publisher Hands White Nationalist Figurehead $250,000 Book Deal

Denouncing This Book and Its Author and Publisher Is Not Only Free Speech, We Believe It Is Our Duty

CBS-owned top book publisher Simon & Schuster has handed one of white nationalism’s best-known provocateurs a quarter-million dollar deal that will greatly expand his reach and platform – and normalize both him and his ideas in the American mainstream. To say that this is dangerous is both true and ironic, as it is also the title of his new book, which is already listed on Amazon although it does not come out until March of next year.

Until now The New Civil Rights Movement has intentionally never published any article about the author, a noted columnist and editor at the far right website Breitbart, whose now-former publisher once said was the home to the so-called “alt-right” movement. “Alt-right” is merely a re-branding of far right wing extremism that supports and advocates in favor of white nationalism, white supremacism, racism, anti-Semitism, misogyny, homophobia, and Islamophobia. But this development makes this article necessary, as it demonstrates one more example of the growing normalization of white nationalism and fascism in America.

“Threshold Editions, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, will publish Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos on March 14, 2017,” according to a statement published by Politico’s Hadas Gold. “Dangerous will be a book on free speech by the outspoken and controversial gay British writer and editor at Breitbart News who describes himself as ‘the most fabulous supervillain on the internet’.”

Politico calls the book’s author “an infamous provocateur whose ‘Dangerous Faggot’ tour has riled up college campuses around the country,” and notes he “was permanently banned from Twitter over the summer after targeting ‘Saturday Night Live’ actor Leslie Jones, who then endured a wave of racist abuse online.”

“They said banning me from Twitter would finish me off. Just as I predicted, the opposite has happened,” Yiannopoulos told The Hollywood Reporter. 

“I met with top execs at Simon & Schuster earlier in the year and spent half an hour trying to shock them with lewd jokes and outrageous opinions. I thought they were going to have me escorted from the building — but instead they offered me a wheelbarrow full of money,” he added.

This is the normalization of hate, white nationalism, and fascism, and many on Twitter are expressing outrage, as can be seen below.

One last note: expressing outrage is also free speech, and it should be said loud and clear that this is not, in any way, a First Amendment issue, as the First Amendment only applies to the government’s restriction of speech. Denouncing this book, CBS, and Simon & Schuster for publishing it is not only free speech, we believe it is our duty. 

Some responses via Twitter:


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