Trump Picks Defense Secretary: Retired General Nicknamed ‘Mad Dog’ Who Says ‘It’s Fun to Shoot Some People’

James “Mad Dog” Mattis, Also Known as the “Warrior Monk”

Donald Trump has chosen his Secretary of Defense, a retired general fired by President Barack Obama, known for being exceptionally aggressive toward Iran, who has made many “colorful” remarks. The Washington Post first reported the news, noting the announcement will come next week.

Retired Marine General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, also known as the “Warrior Monk,” will need to have Congress pass a new law waiving requirements that a Secretary of Defense have not served in active duty for at least seven years, CNN reports. 

That’s because Congress wanted to ensure civilian control of the military. Apparently Trump isn’t interested in that.

Mattis occasionally has come under scrutiny for impolitic remarks,” the Post notes. “Most notably, he said in 2005 during a panel discussion in San Diego that “it’s fun to shoot some people” and “I like brawling,” drawing criticism from then-Marine Commandant Gen. Michael Hagee. But Hagee also later backed Mattis, saying the general often spoke with candor to reflect the horrors of war. Other supporters noted that he often stressed to his own troops that it was important to treat civilians in a combat zone with care.”

Mattis is a former commander of CENTCOM whom President Obama fired in 2013. He “frequently ‘pushed the civilians…hard on considering the second- and third-order consequences of military action against Iran,'” the Georgetown Journal of International Affairs reported that year. “Others also aver that Mattis’s ‘hawkish’ stance against Iran conflicted with the moderate views of the Obama administration to the point where ‘on occasion [the general’s] displeasure…spilled into the public record.'”

The well-regarded political blogger emptywheel notes Trump is increasing his collection of people President Obama fired:

The Trump team is pushing back on the report, despite the huge flow of leaks from them. 

They may just have preferred to not give up the attention from their Carrier news for this. Here’s our reporting on that:

Off to Carrier’s Plant for Victory Lap Trump Says ‘They Will Sell Many Air Conditioners!’ They Make Furnaces.

Indiana Taxpayers Will Be Paying Salaries of Carrier Workers Whose Jobs Donald Trump ‘Saved’


Image by Marines via Flickr

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