Consumer Confidence Hit All-Time Low in December 2008 and Just Hit a 15-Year High. Obama, Not Trump Earned That.

Don’t Let Trump Steal Obama’s Successes

As Americans closed out 2008, the Consumer Confidence Index tumbled even further, after the economic collapse earlier that year. Markets had dropped, the housing bubble exploded, banks teetered and investment houses went bankrupt. Workers’ retirement plans lost tremendous value as did their homes. The world was in crisis and chaos. More than 10,000 suicides were one of the many results.

Americans chose Barack Obama to lead them out of the crisis, and he did.

The Consumer Confidence Index just hit a 15-year high, a stunning achievement. So naturally, Donald Trump grabbed the credit for it:

But it’s important to note that as the Republican president-elect takes office – apparently faster than the Constitution allows, based on his constant criticisms and attacks on the outgoing president, Barack Obama is credited with saving this nation’s economy, and the world’s.

It’s clear that Donald Trump has no intention of respecting his predecessor’s accomplishments, and will destroy much of what Barack Obama has created, but there’s no reason we should sit idly by, and there’s no reason we can’t correct the record when the Trump administration lies about it.

One last note: the Consumer Confidence Index hit its all time high in January of 2000, under President Bill Clinton.  

There are literally hundreds if not thousands of accomplishments President Obama can point to. Here are a few lists we’ve found that do just that:

14 Facts About Obama’s Presidency Most People Don’t Know

111 Accomplishments of President Barack Obama

Obama’s top 10 accomplishments — according to Obama



5 Obama Accomplishments & Successes Republicans Have To Pretend Never Happened

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments

The List of 358 Obama Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

And a few articles:

The extraordinarily complicated successes of President Obama

In Defense of Obama

The Nation He Built


Image by Jesusemen Oni / VOA via Wikimedia

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