WATCH: Here’s Hillary Clinton’s Final Ad Which Will Appear Tonight on NBC and CBS

Says Election Will Decide if America Wants a Country That Is ‘Hopeful and Inclusive’ or ‘Dark and Divisive’

The Hillary Clinton campaign has reserved two minutes of airtime Monday night during NBC’s “The Voice” and CBS’s “Kevin Can Wait” to air her last ad. It’s Clinton sitting in what looks like a living room, talking directly to the camera, and the audience – without edits, interruptions, or cuts – making her final argument asking voters to elect her president.

It’s warm and honest, starting off, “I think we can all agree, it’s been a long campaign.” 

Clinton says the election will decide America’s “core values,” and what kind of a country we want: one that is “hopeful and inclusive,” or one that is “dark and divisive.”

In the ad Clinton promises, “I will work my heart out as president to make life better for you and your family,” and says, “We won’t always get it right, but you can count on this: I’ve never quit, and I never will.”

The New York Times reports about 20 million people are expected to see the ad on air tonight. The Chicago Tribune notes the campaign “did not provide a figure for what the ad costs.”

Clinton concludes, “tonight, I’m asking for your vote. And tomorrow, let’s make history together. I’m Hillary Clinton, and one last time, I approve this message.”


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