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GOP Nominee Falsely Accuses Obama Of “Screaming” At Protester

Even for Donald Trump, this one’s a real whopper. 

At rallies on Friday night and Saturday, the GOP nominee repeatedly accused President Barack Obama of “screaming” at a protester in North Carolina on Friday. 

“There was a protester and a protester that likes us,” Trump said in Pennsylvania on Friday night. “He [Obama] was talking to a protester, screaming at him, really screaming at him. By the way, if I spoke the way Obama spoke to that protester, they would say, ‘He became unhinged.’ He spent so much time screaming at this protester and frankly, it was a disgrace.” 

In fact, when the North Carolina crowd began booing the pro-Trump protester, Obama responded by trying to quiet them. 

“Hold up,” Obama said.”You’ve got an older gentleman who is supporting his candidate. He’s not doing nothing. You don’t have to worry about him. This is what I mean about folks not being focused. … Hold up, hold up. First of all, we live in a country that respects free speech. Second of all, it looks like maybe he might have served in our military, and we’ve got to respect that. Third of all, he was elderly, and we’ve got to respect our elders, and fourth of all, don’t boo, vote.” 

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