Trump Head of Domestic Issues Is Senior Fellow at Anti-Gay Group FRC

Called 2014 Killing Spree ‘Attack on Natural Marriage’ 

The head of domestic issues for the Donald Trump presidential transition team is Ken Blackwell, a senior fellow with the anti-gay hate group Family Research Council. Blackwell has suffered several ethics and conflict of interest accusations during his time as Ohio’s Secretary of State. He is also on the Board of Directors of the NRA. Politico has published a document detailing the structure of the transition team in charge of federal agencies.

Blackwell will oversee policy for the Departments of Energy, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Education, Interior, and Agriculture. He will also oversee policy for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

As the head of policy for the Dept. of Agriculture, Blackwell will be in control of the incoming administration’s positions on food stamps, also known as SNAP. In 2013 Blackwell said there is “nothing more Christian” than gutting America’s food stamps program.

A religious extremist, Blackwell has repeatedly attacked same-sex marriage, which he linked to the 2014 Isla Vista killing spree that left six people dead and 14 injured. 

Blackwell pointed to “the crumbling of the moral foundation of the country” and “the attack on natural marriage and the family… that have been a part of the teaching of sexual roles and the development of human sexuality in our culture,” as reasons for the murders.

Last year, ahead of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Obergefell, Blackwell claimed there is no Civil Right to same-sex marriage, but Christians, he said, must respond to it like the Civil War.

And on Fox News’ “Hannity,” Blackwell once tried to suggest that a gay high school teen was crowned Prom Queen because of Sesame Street indoctrination.

In 2013 Blackwell wrote an indignant letter to former Secretary of State Colin Powell, in which the FRC Senior Fellow referred to same-sex marriages as “counterfeit,” and supporters of marriage equality “Marriage Enders.”


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“If two men can marry, why not three?,” Blackwell asked. “If gays and lesbians can marry, what about bi-sexual persons and persons who have sought to change their sex? Why can’t they have one spouse of either sex? After slavery, after Jim Crow, after the KKK, it is fair to say that among the worst things visited upon black Americans have been the targeting of our families by abortionists and the effort to end marriage. That is why we are in a crisis. This is what happens when a major party rejects God.”

In addition to being an anti-gay activist, Blackwell apparently spends a good deal of time on Facebook. Here are some of his postings:


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license 

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