REPORT: Trump Foundation Appears to Admit to Illegal Misuse of Funds Over Several Years

Is Trump Doing Many of Things He Falsely Charged Hillary Clinton of Doing?

The Donald J. Trump Foundation has admitted to “self dealing,” an illegal practice, in tax forms that have been posted online by a charity watchdog. The Washington Post reports the Foundation checked off boxes answering “yes” to questions related to transferring “income or assets to a disqualified person,” and if it had done so in years prior.

The Post’s David Fahrenthold, who has spent many months tracking Trump’s promises of having donated money to various charities, only to come up exceptionally short, first reported this latest development.

Self dealing can be described as the use of a charity’s money to assist the organization’s leaders or their family members. The IRS’s website states acts of self dealing, directly or indirectly, can be illegal, and can include a wide variety of actions.

The Post adds that it “could not immediately confirm if the same forms had actually been sent to the IRS.”

After the article was published Tuesday, Fahrenthold posted these tweets, adding more wrinkles to concerns about the Trump Foundation:

It should be noted that Trump is literally doing many things he falsely charged Hillary Clinton of doing.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has been investigating the Trump Foundation.

Just last week Trump was forced to settle three lawsuits against his fraudulent Trump University, for $25 million, That settlement includes $1 million for violating the law.

UPDATE I: 11.22.2016 11:38 AM EST –

More from Fahrenthold:



Donald Trump’s Charity Exposed As Sham That Primarily Benefits Donald Trump

Breaking: New York Attorney General Launches Investigation Into Donald Trump’s Foundation


Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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