Top Contender for Trump Chief of Staff Is His Campaign CEO, Alt-Right Breitbart Publisher Steve Bannon

Head of Alt-Right Website That Is Home to Racists, Homophobes, Bigots of Every Stripe

Donald Trump‘s top choice currently to become his Chief of Staff is Stephen Bannon, his campaign CEO and the publisher of the alt-right website Breitbart. CNN and The New York Times reported the news Thursday late afternoon, with the Times calling Bannon a “conservative provocateur.”

The White House Chief of Staff is the gatekeeper between the president and the rest of the world. He or she decides policy, what issues get attention, if and how the administration will approach an issue, and acts as a liaison with foreign leaders. In large part they set the agenda. And they are often invisible to the rest of the world. If you remember TV from the Bush years, think Leo McGarry in “The West Wing.”

Who is Stephen Bannon?

He stepped down at Breitbart to run the final few months of Trump’s campaign, but for years he has run one of the most popular far, far right wing websites, Breitbart. It masquerades as a news site but it’s home to the alt-right, as Bannon has bragged. In other words, the white supremacists and white nationalists, the anti-Semites, the anti-LGBT crowd, the anti-Black crowd, the anti-diversity, anti-feminism, anti-Obama movement. Racists, homophobes, bigots of every stripe get their “news” at Breitbart. And it got Trump elected.

That’s the top person Donald Trump wants to be his gatekeeper, his top policy advisor, his go-to person, his representative to foreign governments and to Congress.

But before CNN and the Times reported, many on the far right knew on Wednesday this was coming.

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones hosted top Trump (“former”) advisor Roger Stone, who said he would tell Bannon “to seek that job”:


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