This New Wall Street Journal Interview With Donald Trump Is Ridiculous.

‘I Want a Country That Loves Each Other’

The first published interview with President-elect Donald Trump was given to the Wall Street Journal, and as anyone who’s been awake the past 17 months can assume, it’s ridiculous.

First and foremost, like reading a foreign language, reading anything Donald Trump says requires a certain amount of education and understanding of idioms and local culture. For instance, you know what Trump says can change entirely day to day, sometimes hour by hour, and even can change depending on his audience. Like when he spoke with a New England editor who identified herself to him as a lesbian and Trump tried to appear as embracing LGBT people and our rights.

So know that everything Trump told the WSJ comes with a warning and fine print, which should read: 

“WARNING: These words are subject to interpretation, expiration, deletion, even conflagration. They should be taken not only with a grain of salt, but the expectation they symbolize nothing. They hold no weight as their speaker is a proven serial liar with no proven desire to respect his word. In other words, this is meant for entertainment only.”

That said, let’s begin.

The Wall Street Journal reports Trump says one of his top priorities is repealing and replacing Obamacare. The President-elect says he will keep some of the parts he likes, such as protection for people with pre-existing conditions, and children being allowed to stay on their parents’ policies until they are 26.

“I like those very much,” Trump told the Journal. 

On health care, Mr. Trump said a big reason for his shift from his call for an all-out repeal was that Thursday meeting at the White House with the president, who, he said, suggested areas of the Affordable Care Act to preserve. “I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Mr. Trump said in his Trump Tower office.

“Either Obamacare will be amended, or repealed and replaced,” Mr. Trump said.

Perhaps he’ll just keep it altogether but rebrand it as TrumpCare?

After nearly a year and a half of blatant attacks on women and minorities, and daily, repeated lies about Hillary Clinton, Trump shows zero remorse.

Asked whether he thought his rhetoric had gone too far in the campaign, the president-elect responded: “No. I won.”


For Trump, winning is literally everything. Which begs the question, how quickly will he go to war, and how many lives will be lost as a result, so he can “win,” because, as he has said, “I love war.”

“Mr. Trump suggested he would now turn more positive, saying that was true of his victory speech early Wednesday morning as well as his comments with Mr. Obama at the White House Thursday,” the Journal reports. “It’s different now,” he added.

Almost immediately upon returning home from his White House tour and meeting with the man whose job he will take, a whiny, cry-baby Trump took to Twitter to blast the thousands of people protesting his presidency. 

“It’s different now.”

No, no it’s not.

Trump “deflected a question on whether he would follow up on a campaign vow to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate his election opponent, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, over her use of a private email server while secretary of state: ‘It’s not something I’ve given a lot of thought, because I want to solve health care, jobs, border control, tax reform.'”

For months Trump has been thinking about it. Daily:

And finally: “Mr. Trump said he is placing a high priority on bringing the country together,” the Journal reports.

Almost instantaneously upon the news of Trump winning the White House was announced, reports began flooding in of people verbally and emotionally attacking women, children, Blacks, LGBT people, Muslims, Asians, Hispanics, and other minorities, all in Donald Trump’s name.

It’s become so bad The New York Times Editorial Board late Thursday urged Trump to call on his supporters to stop the hate and bigotry.

He has ignored it. Entirely.

“I want a country that loves each other,” Mr. Trump said. “I want to stress that.”

Trump can “stress” all he wants, but the reality is the only people who are actually stressing are those of us who are minorities, or women, or allies, who know, if Trump keeps his promises, we’re about to lose our health care and the right to marry, and 11 million people are about to be deported.

“I want a country that loves each other,” Mr. Trump said. “I want to stress that.”

America will believe that when we see it.


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