This Is Insane: Another Congressman Floated to Be Next Chairman of the Democratic National Committee

NCRM EDITORIAL: It’s Time for the DNC to Wake Up

Dear Democratic National Committee, 

Stop. Just stop.

Are you insane?

The DNC has presided over one of the worst decades of Democratic losses, and at the local, state, and national levels we continue to lose tremendous ground. 

This is historic.

Republicans next year will control the White House.

Republicans next year will control the U.S. Senate. 

Republicans next year will control the U.S. House. 

Republicans next year will control the Supreme Court.

Republicans next year will control 34 governors’ offices – matching the all-time high set in 1922. Literally two out of every three governorships.

Republicans next year will control 68 out of 98 state legislative chambers. Literally more than two out of every three.

In 23 states – nearly half the nation – Republicans will control both houses of the state legislatures and the governor’s office.

“For only the second time since 1929, the Republican Party will control the House, Senate, the White House, most governorships and state houses, and will decide a Supreme Court pick,” The Week observed Wednesday, in the wake of stunning and extensive losses at every level of elected government.

Americans know all too well the accusations against former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and interim DNC Chair Donna Brazile, and this is not the forum to address those. 

But for a moment, let’s address the fact that Democrats have just lost the expected control of the White House and expected control of the Senate, and, for a brief shining moment, the glimmer of hope of controlling the House.

The Republican Party is kicking our collective asses.

As a result, children right this minute are being bullied by their fellow classmates who support Donald Trump. Women, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBT people, and other minorities are all reporting acts of physical and emotional violence and hate, all in the name of President-elect Donald Trump.

There now is no real leader of the Democratic Party.

In towns, cities, states, and nationally, Democrats have not only lost a lot of ground, we have no bench. 

Who is in line and prepared to challenge Donald Trump in 2020 – a race we should all be thinking about this very minute?

Who is in line and prepared to challenge Republican Congressmen and Senators in 2018?

People are hurting today, people are in real pain today, and the DNC is supposed to be the uniting, organizing force to set the groundwork to help move America forward on a progressive path.

“Sen. Bernie Sanders is backing Rep. Keith Ellison to be the next permanent chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Sanders’s office confirmed,” Politico just reported.

This is insanity.

This is not about Senator Sanders or Rep. Ellison, both excellent lawmakers.

This is about doing your job. One job.

Being Chairman of any large organization is a full time job. At least, it should be.

It is not being a figurehead, not if you want real change to occur.

Why is the Chairman of the Republican National Committee always a full-time position, yet the Chair of the DNC is always given to an existing elected Democrat with full-time duties?

How has that worked out for us? 

Can you honestly say that a Congressman, Senator, or Governor has enough free time to lead an organization, especially one as beleaguered as the DNC?

It’s time to wake up.

It’s time to stop everything you’re doing and clean house. It’s time to stop everything you’re doing, realize you have gotten it all wrong, and reorganize.

It’s time for a dedicated full-time Chairman or Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee.

Because Democrats today across America are in real pain, we’re scared, and we’re looking at you.

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