The New York Times Editors Slam Trump’s Top Advisor, “Steve ‘Turn on the Hate’ Bannon”

‘A Parallel Universe Where Black People Do Nothing but Commit Crimes, Immigrants Rape Native-Born Daughters, and Feminists Want to Castrate All Men’

The Editorial Board of The New York Times Tuesday blasted Donald Trump’s choice of chief White House strategist and senior counselor Steve Bannon. 

Or, as the editors declare, “Steve ‘Turn on the Hate’ Bannon, in the White House.”

Bannon, of course, is the publisher of Breitbart, the homepage of the alt-right movement. 

The Times editorial describes the alt-right movement as “a loosely organized group of mostly young men who believe in white supremacy; oppose immigration, feminism and multiculturalism; and delight in harassing Jews, Muslims and other vulnerable groups by spewing shocking insults on social media.”

That’s a part of it, but leaves out the vast and frightening network the alt-right movement holds, the white supremacists like David Duke, and white supremacist websites and underground chat rooms.

“To scroll through Breitbart headlines is to come upon a parallel universe where black people do nothing but commit crimes, immigrants rape native-born daughters, and feminists want to castrate all men,” the Times writes.

Here’s a sample:

“Hoist It High and Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims a Glorious Heritage” (This headline ran two weeks after a white supremacist massacred nine black churchgoers in Charleston, S.C.)

“Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy”

“Gabby Giffords: The Gun Control Movement’s Human Shield”

And the Times writes, “Bannon is in some ways a perplexing figure: a far-right ideologue who made his millions investing in ‘Seinfeld’; a former Goldman Sachs banker who has reportedly called himself a ‘Leninist’ with a goal ‘to destroy the state’ and ‘bring everything crashing down.’ He has also called progressive women ‘a bunch of dykes’ and, in a 2014 email to one of his editors, wrote of the Republican leadership, ‘Let the grassroots turn on the hate because that’s the ONLY thing that will make them do their duty.'”


And yet, no one seems to be stopping Trump from installing this alt-right prince, this white nationalist “and his toxic ideology,” as the Times says, from “sitting down the hall from the Oval Office.”


Image by Karl Heubaum via Flickr and a CC license

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