From New York to Seattle Anti-Trump Protests Planned for Tonight

People Are Taking to the Streets

Despite Hillary Clinton having won the popular vote Donald Trump has won the Electoral College, and thus the White House. In response to his vision of an America that embraces hate and misogyny, lies and violence, and practically everything that President Barack Obama has stood for, protests are being planned for tonight in several states across the nation.

Several protests are being planned in New York City. There are also protests planned for Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Oakland, and Seattle.

And two in Minnesota:

Overnight there were protests in Oakland, California, Seattle, Washington, and Portland, Oregon. Also, students at the University of Pittsburgh protested. Andin California, more than 1,000 students at Berkeley High School staged a walk-out and marched to the campus of UC Berkeley.”  

PAPER Magazine just published a list of protests into the future too.

Image by Gage Skidmore via Flickr and a CC license

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