Attorney General ‘Lyin Ted’ Cruz? Texas Tea Party Senator on Shortlist, Meets With Trump

Cruz Went to Trump Tower Tuesday

Donald Trump is now considering Senator Ted Cruz to be his Attorney General. Rudy Giuliani was on the short list for AG but is holding out for Secretary of State, according to multiple reports, despite being eminently unqualified for the role. 

Cruz, who loss in the primaries delivered Trump the GOP nomination, was frequently called “Lyin Ted” by Trump as the two engaged in increasingly ugly battles that included attacks on Cruz’s wife.

The Texas Tea Party renegade senator met with Trump in Trump Tower Tuesday, but refused to offer any details.

“Cruz is focused on serving Texans in the Senate,” Cruz’s spokesperson told Bloomberg. “He was there today to offer help in promoting the conservative policies that were campaigned on and that he’s long fought for.”

Senator Cruz has served as the Solicitor General of Texas, but there are many far more qualified candidates. In what is clearly a huge act of personal patronage, Trump has made clear he is doling out cabinet and top-level administration jobs to those he knows and to those who have been loyal to him.

An Attorney General Cruz would be a disaster for women and minority communities. Cruz’s beliefs come straight rom the Bible and he has made clear his goal is to protect religious right Christians while turning America into a Christian nation.

Cruz’s animosity toward the LGBT community is legendary. For example, he has accused gay activists of waging a “jihad” against Christians. For more, read: Ted Cruz’s Top 10 Anti-Gay Statements.

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