‘If You Think You Made a Mistake’: Donald Trump Just Told Clinton Voters They Should Switch Their Votes

The Republican Presidential Nominee Appears to Be Desperate

Donald Trump at a rally in Eau Claire, Wisconsin Thursday evening told early voters they should go and switch their votes if they think they made a “mistake” by voting for Hillary Clinton.

“This is a good time to make an important public service announcement. A lot of things have happened over the last few days,” Trump said, clearly referring to FBI Director James Comey’s letter this past Friday.

“This a message for any Democratic voters who have already cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and are having a bad case of buyer’s remorse,” Trump said. “Wisconsin is one of several states where you can change your early ballot if you think you’ve made a mistake.”

“You can change your vote to Donald Trump and make America great again. She will never make America great,” the GOP nominee claimed.

Stunningly, in Wisconsin early voters “can change their minds up to three times,” the Associated Press reports. “The deadline for doing so is Thursday. Changing votes is very rarely done, according to the Early Voting Information Center at Reed College.”

Earlier in the day Trump senior advisor Dan Scavino posted a tweet telling Pennsylvania voters they could call a toll-free number if they felt “duped” having voted for Hillary Clinton, and change their vote, presumably to Trump.

He later posted a tweet directed towards voters in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan, telling them they could also change their votes if they felt “duped.”


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