WATCH: This Diehard Trump Supporter Won’t Vote Because Trump Told Him the Election Is Rigged

Says It ‘Definitely’ Will Be a Rigged Election

The science is clear and Donald Trump’s claims the election is rigged is proving it, at least in Pennsylvania where one diehard Trump supporter will not be bothering to vote at all. Research shows when voters believe elections are “rigged” or politicians are “crooked” voters are less motivated, and less likely to vote – because why bother? And Republican lawmakers at the state and local levels have made voting even harder, adding, in some areas, to voter non-participation.

MSNBC’s Jacob Soboroff traveled to Lake Winola in rural Pennsylvania and talked with several locals, including one man who strongly supports Donald Trump. But the surprising moment in the interview comes when he says he won’t vote because Trump himself says the election is rigged, so voting is just a waste of his time.

“I’m not going to vote because I think the people are going to get Trump in but it’s not going to go that way,” he says, adding it “definitely” will be a rigged election.



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