WATCH: Michelle Obama Delivers Strong Denunciation of Trump’s Comments: ‘Shaken Me to My Core’

‘It Has Shaken Me to My Core in a Way That I Couldn’t Have Predicted’

Michelle Obama Thursday afternoon delivered a powerful speech in support of Hillary Clinton while denouncing Donald Trump and the remarks he made describing sexual assault and making lewd remarks. 

“Last week we saw this candidate actually bragging about sexually assaulting women,” the First Lady told voters, almost with a crack in her voice. “And I can’t believe that I’m saying that,” she continued, with a tone of incredulity, “a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women.”

“And I have to tell you that I, I can’t stop thinking about this,” she shared, refusing to say Trump’s name. “It has shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn’t have predicted.”

“So while I’d love nothing more than to pretend this isn’t happening,” Obama said, adding it would be “dishonest and disingenuous” to move on to another topic.

Her speech was widely lauded on cable news and social media.

Watch this clip:



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