WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Says She’s Comfortable Trafficking in Information Stolen by Russian Intelligence

‘I Am’

Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway hours after Wednesday night’s final presidential debate said she is comfortable trafficking in information stolen by Russian intelligence services to help her candidate win.

Conway made the disturbing remarks Thursday morning to MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace, who asked: “Are you completely comfortable with the campaign using, and sort of trafficking in, information stolen by the Russian intelligence services?”

Responding without hesitation, Conway said, “I am, Nicolle. And Donald Trump, he addressed that last night.”

She went on to attack the Clinton campaign, denying that Trump knew Russia is behind the hacking but the U.S. government, during a national security briefing, confirmed they told Trump Russia was behind the hacking.

“I thought that Secretary Clinton, in some of her answers on that topic, was almost presuming that Donald Trump had access to this information or knew for sure what the source of the hacking is,” Conway said, as Politico notes. “And I really take personal offense every time I hear somebody on Team Clinton — a bunch of great professionals over there whom I respect — or Secretary Clinton herself saying the, quote, Trump campaign knows this or somehow is colluding with Russia. I’m the campaign manager and that is simply not true.”

Actually, it is true he knows this.

NBC News after Trump, during the second presidential debate claimed he didn’t know if Russia is behind the hacking, reported that a “senior U.S. intelligence official assured NBC News that cybersecurity and the Russian government’s attempts to interfere in the 2016 election have been briefed to, and discussed extensively with, both parties’ candidates, surrogates and leadership, since mid-August.”

“To profess not to know at this point is willful misrepresentation,” said the official. “The intelligence community has walked a very thin line in not taking sides, but both candidates have all the information they need to be crystal clear.”

So, it is true he knows this. Period.

This follows Trump’s disturbing comments during the debate which include calling Clinton a “nasty woman,” and refusing to say he will accept the results of the November election.


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