WATCH: Donald Trump’s ‘Jokes’ at the Al Smith Dinner Were So Nasty He Just Got Booed ‘Bigly’

‘Here She Is Tonight, in Public, Pretending Not to Hate Catholics’

Donald Trump delivered a knock-out blow, to himself, at Thursday night’s Al Smith dinner. The Manhattan real estate billionaire clearly ignored the decades-long tradition of being self-depricating and roasting your opponent in good humor, not in a naked political attack straight from your stump speech.

“Here she is tonight, in public, pretending not to hate Catholics,” Trump said of Hillary Clinton, not as a joke but as an attack. He got booed.

Trump also attacked Clinton “joking” about hacked email and WikiLeaks – and rightly got booed for it:

And here’s Trump attacking Clinton for being a public servant for three decades. And getting booed for it:



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