This TIME Magazine Cover of Trump Says It All

An Explosion of Scandals Puts Trump Campaign in ‘Total Meltdown’

The Donald Trump presidential campaign is in total meltdown. So this TIME magazine cover – and cover story – is both timely, and perfect:

Compare the cover to one back in August, when Trump’s campaign was also falling apart:

This week’s TIME cover story details the events of the past week, including the 2005 “Access Hollywood” video of Trump describing sexual assault and engaging in lewd conversation. It also includes this indictment of the religious right:

Religious conservatives, who for decades defined themselves as “values voters,” will now have to explain why they lined up behind a thrice-married playboy who once said he had never asked God for forgiveness. Samuel Rodriguez Jr., president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, says Trump has exposed the disconnect between evangelicals’ words and their political deeds. Russell Moore, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s public-policy arm, says church leaders lost credibility when they cast their lot with Trump. “This has been traumatic for the Republic, and traumatic for the church,” says Moore, one of the top evangelicals to oppose Trump from the beginning. “It is going to take years and years and years to recover and rebuild.”


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